Spiritual therapy frees a person from mental, emotional, intellectual, and physical ailments. It helps to focus on his/her center to recognize himself/herself and evolve.
Based on quantum mechanics we know that everything around us is energy. Therefore, the energy flows in the universe, following a concrete path, to create overall harmony and balance of the universe. In anything that changes or interferes with one of the heavenly bodies or collides with them, the energy takes another form, but without being destroyed, it is simply changed or transformed from one form to another. The human being is part of the whole, as a form of energy, and functions individually in the same way.
Therefore, making a simple division of the universe, man, despite his material existence, the body, consists of mind and soul, which should be in balance. So, he or she is an entity, an energy being that emits or is in an energy field. The energy he/she emits is sometimes positive and sometimes negative, depending on the energy level someone works on. His/her transfer from one energy level to another indicates evolution.

When someone works with himself/herself and finds his/her center or truth, he/she can produce work, without being controlled by excessive emotions, prejudices, obsessions, or stereotypes of social becoming. The freedom of choice gives him/her the right to even make mistakes and through them, to work on himself/herself or his/her weaknesses. The spiritual search and development of his/her spirituality is another element that gives completeness.
Therefore, man’s effort to evolve and win the battle with himself requires will and patience. In addition to personal exercise, the surrounding environment also helps.
The therapeutic methods used work together for one purpose, self-realization or otherwise to help the person through his/her inner harmonization to find his/her truth, to be happy, and to have good health. They help in a few words in his/her evolutionary path.
Spiritual therapy helps the person to remove facades or masks, which make him/her liked by the surrounding environment and at the same time, trample on feelings, dreams, and expectations, which are what lead him/her to happiness and bliss. Therefore, through the guidance of a spiritual coach, the individual recognizes aspects of himself/herself that were hidden and brings them to the surface. After processing them, he or she becomes aware of his/her choices, thus improving self-confidence and self-esteem. He/she knows now what makes him/her happy and what is best to do for him/her, and not for others.

Spiritual therapy frees a person from mental, emotional, intellectual, and physical ailments. It helps to focus on his/her center to recognize himself/herself and evolve. The help spiritual therapy offers restores the flow of energies that are blocked or accumulated at some point and creates problems psychologically, mentally, or physically for the person. When this energy is released, the centers are harmonized and the points that were weakened are simply strengthened and return to their original form.
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The internal or external stimuli received by the person can now be understood, processed, and structured within him/her. This process causes a reactive activation of brain areas, which by extension affects the emotional state of the person, but also the rest of the body (internal organs, muscles, endocrine glands, etc.). Thus, mental, intellectual, and physical health is restored. The power of balancing the energies and inner forces within us brings peace, and harmony and becomes a path to evolution.

Spiritual therapy is a holistic method that helps a person to balance on all levels, helps and heals spiritually, helps in his/her spiritual evolution, and activates actions that will help to change his/her situation and evolve. Spiritual therapy helps a person to change his/her life by making meaningful changes and to understand what is holding him/her back from what he/she wants to achieve. Spiritual therapy can help eliminate negative patterns, patterns, and energies, help the person see things from another perspective, and walk the path he/she desires in life. Any blockage that exists in any area of life always has something to teach us, when we understand it, everything can go better, overcome challenges and fears, and open new perspectives in life.
In this journey, a spiritual coach acts as a guide and becomes the conduit of spirituality and directs it to those who need it, so that they can find their truth. Transferring from one energy field to another or opening new spiritual channels will connect the person with his/her higher self, giving him/her spiritual evolution and freedom.
The entry into the deepest levels of the mind and soul brings to the surface the abilities and possibilities of the individual and in the verbal part topics that have not been expressed until now. It awakens one’s spiritual abilities and potential and guides one’s energy to be properly channeled and connect with spirituality and recognize who he/she is and what his/her purpose is.

By releasing the blocked energy, a harmonious flow of energy is created in the body, soul, and mind. The harmonization of archetypes creates an invisible influx of information, which is drawn and transferred to the collective unconscious. They are gradually processed, and the individual determines his/her uniqueness. Understanding them makes the person experience internal changes and gradually adapt them to his/her behavior and find solutions to his/her personal challenges.
Self-concentration helps to discipline and organize the mind, structuring it with collective thinking, the stimuli that the person receives from his/her internal or external world. Thus, the person can easily perceive the messages he/she receives from his/her inner force or higher energy field.
Spiritual therapy gets to the core of the problem and helps to heal the wounds of the past that have disrupted the person’s energy field and then expel that which is toxic and holds him/her captive from his/her spiritual evolution. It helps the individual to express deeper parts of their soul and draw the same energy from their spiritual source. Emotions or parts of the soul that have been repressed are released and harmonized. The contact with the inner world and the higher self makes a free and happy person.
Spiritual therapy is done based on the physical, energetic, or mental needs of the individual.

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