The union with the female energy and the sacred space of the womb
The union with the female energy and the sacred space of the womb
Yoni ( योनि ) is the source of all creation and the origin of life

The womb is really a sacred space, it is a sacred place from which human life is really born and continues to be born every day, many connect Yoni to a more external manifestation of the female genitals, this is because a significant part of the sacredness and respect for the womb and the female nature has been lost, many women have been disconnect from their womb energy and by extension their sexual energy, which has many effects beyond the external manifestation.
The womb is one of the most important organs in a woman, it has its own emotional intelligence, and it perceives in its own way, the energy, and vibrations we receive. It is a second brain that can and does feel, record, and store wishes, and vibrations we experience, every feeling or tension is recorded in the womb.
The womb in a woman’s life may suffer from multiple injuries, every person can leave his or her own mark in the womb, whether positive or negative, from the relationship with parents to the partners a woman has in her life, everyone leaves a footprint, that the womb records. Healing wounds or recorded emotions is especially important, so a woman can unite with the energy of her womb and feel complete.
Many women have been disconnected from their femininity and feminine energy within them, resulting in several issues that may arise, from lack of coverage of emotional needs to fertility problems, which are the most common issue when a woman is disconnected from her womb and by extension, by herself. Essentially, disconnecting from the womb, to make it more comprehensible, creates a disconnection and a non-acceptance of ourselves, our needs, and our desires.
All organs, have their own memory, the heart, the liver, and the kidneys have their own special personalities and intelligence, so they can also record feelings, which often create blockages, so we should be especially careful because they often have a significant impact on the body, health, psychology, and the quality of life, creating disharmony and many problems. The womb is significant to women and contributes to psychology, emotions, personality, and health of course, as well as self-acceptance which is especially important to our nature. The organs of sexual momentum, the genitals, play an especially key role in the overall balance of a person, that’s why through ancient religions and traditions they had special attention always, in order to achieve the reconciliation of the body with inner nature. In western culture, it’s time to understand the importance of some things better that have special importance, so that we can evolve.

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The balance of feminine and male energies within the body is particularly important for a person to be healthy, especially to a woman who in modern society often has the male side forced to prevail within her. The feminine energy needs to be properly developed so that the womb can minister to human nature and restore the truths and reality that bring us next to life, the feminine side is so important. The fulfillment of the woman is aimed at her dedication to life, so that she can realize how important her role is beyond religions and social establishments.
The activation and «awakening» of the womb are especially important as the energies included within her, especially in the newer civilization and in society, now that the inner energies hidden within man have been forgotten and are unknown. The womb has its own memory, it has its own piece of power in life and in ourselves, searching for its own identity and the harmony of coexistence with our spiritual and physical plane, it claims in a way purely its own, silently, the share in life but also in the coexistence and relationship of two people. The womb has feelings that are recorded in the memory of the species, and specifically in the coded memory of DNA. That is why the moment of conception, is especially important and gives specific energies to the womb at the given moment, but also to the embryo, as we are born in the image and likeness, meaning that the energies we give at this moment are copied inside the womb, in the embryo, but also in the DNA.
The reason many things happen in the soul and the body are connected to the womb and have to do with two words “resistance” and “acceptance”, physical pain, psychological traumas, as well as emotional issues, have to do with the womb, but also in general with the actions associated with it, when the resistance stops, the reason for the existence of e.g. physical pain, when talking about period pains, that many women experience and suffer, such as infertility, mental problems but also emotional blockages that can lead from gynecological problems, pessimism, to the lack of self-confidence and the personality that a woman can have.
The most frequent question comes from women who for some reason do not have a womb, asking “I don’t have a womb, so can’t I connect with it?”, when we say womb we don’t mean only the organ as such which is only its natural extension, the womb is the feminine energy in every woman and of course, can be connected to it, the source of this energy is below the navel up to the pubic bone, creating a triangle with the nose down, which is also the element symbol of water.
This energy point is very powerful and whether a woman does not have a womb or is menopausal, it is always there and always strong. The “lack” of a womb or menstruation does not make any woman any less powerful, energetically she is stronger since the female energy, instead of being released outside, can be absorbed in any way she wishes.

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